Level Up Your Board Games with PM IT Solution: Production, Marketing, Distribution

 Hey there, board game enthusiast. Have you ever dreamed of designing your own board game? You may have already created a prototype and want to take it to the next level. The good news is it's possible to produce, market, and distribute your board game. With the right tools and partners, you can turn your creative vision into a physical product and build your own board game business. In this article, we'll walk through how to level up your board game with end-to-end production, marketing, and distribution solutions so you can share your creation with players worldwide. Whether you're just getting started or need help taking an existing game to market, the tips and resources here will help make your board game dreams a reality. Let's get rolling!

The Challenges of Developing and Producing a New Board Game

Developing a board game is challenging enough, but producing and distributing it brings a new set of hurdles.

First, you need to source quality components that fit your budget. Things like colourful boards, sturdy player pieces, and custom dice - the options are endless, but the costs add up quickly. Negotiating pricing with manufacturers and finding ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality demands patience and resourcefulness.

Then there are the rules. Explaining gameplay clearly and concisely is an art form. Playtesting with friends and family helps identify any areas of confusion so you can improve the player experience. You'll also consider including instructional videos on your website or crowdfunding page.

Speaking of crowdfunding, launching a campaign is critical to funding production but also building buzz. You'll need to drive traffic to your page through social media, email marketing, and word-of-mouth. Engaging with backers and keeping them excited about the final product is a full-time job.

Once funded, overseeing manufacturing and shipping logistics requires organization and problem-solving skills. Delays and errors are common, so preparing for the unexpected and maintaining open communication with your production partners is critical.

Finally, marketing and selling your game to retailers or direct customers brings more challenges. Getting reviews, securing shelf space, optimizing your e-commerce store, and driving sales all demand time, money, and determination.

As you can see, developing and producing a board game is not for the faint of heart. But for creators passionate about crafting a fantastic player experience, the reward of bringing joy and connection to others makes all the effort worthwhile. If you go in with realistic expectations, tap into resources for support, and keep sight of your vision, you can navigate the challenges and level up your board game dream.

How PM IT Solution Can Help With Board Game Production

So you've designed a fantastic new board game and are ready to share it with the world. How do you get from concept to retail shelves? PM IT Solution can help you through production, marketing, and distribution.

To start, PM IT Solution will help you refine and finalize your game's details. They can source high-quality components from trusted manufacturers and ensure an engaging user experience. Their expertise in manufacturing coordination means your game pieces, boards, cards, and packaging will meet your standards.

Once your game is ready to produce, PM IT Solution handles sourcing, logistics, and quality control. They have a global network of vetted partners for printing, sculpting miniatures, and other specialized tasks. PM IT Solution's supply chain management experience translates to getting you the best prices and ensuring on-time delivery.

It's time to build buzz when your game is manufactured and shipped. PM IT Solution helps with marketing strategy, social media campaigns, influencer outreach, and advertising. They know how to spread the word about your new release to tabletop communities and beyond.

Finally, PM IT Solution helps you get your game into retail stores and distribution channels. They have relationships with significant board game retailers, e-commerce platforms, and distributors. PM IT Solution's business development team will pitch your game to the proper sales channels, negotiate the best terms, and get your creation onto store shelves and digital marketplaces.

With end-to-end support from PM IT Solution, you can make your board game vision a reality and get it into players' hands everywhere. Focus on your game's content and creative vision, and let the experts handle production, marketing, and distribution. Your tabletop masterpiece will be levelling up in no time!

Marketing Your New Board Game for Success

Once your board game is designed and produced by a game development company, it's time to get the word out. Marketing is critical to building awareness of your creation and attracting interest from players and retailers. Here are some tips to help market your new board game:

Build a website to showcase your game.

An online home for your game allows you to share photos, videos, rules, and more. Drive people to your site by optimizing it for search engines and posting on social media. Include an email sign-up to build your 

mailing list.

Start a newsletter

Stay in touch with fans and update them on your game's progress through a regular newsletter. Share behind-the-scenes details, offer discounts, and sneak peeks of new releases. Grow your list by promoting your sign-up on social media and at events.

Leverage social media

Create profiles for your game on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Post photos, share updates, run contests, and engage with your followers. Build excitement by teasing new expansions or versions of your game. Tag players and influencers to increase visibility.

Run crowdfunding campaigns

If funds are needed to take your game to the next level, consider crowdfunding on Kickstarter or Indigo. Campaigns are a great way to raise money, build buzz, and get valuable feedback from backers. Offer different pledge levels with various rewards to encourage support.

Attend gaming conventions

Get your game in front of players and press at popular board game conventions and trade shows. Set up a booth to demo your game, interact with attendees, and spread the word. Hand out business cards, flyers, stickers, or other swag to help market your brand.

Pitch to retailers 

Once you've built up interest and demand, contact local game stores, major retailers like Target and Wal-Mart, and online sellers to inquire about selling your game. Be prepared to provide details about your marketing and distribution plans to show the sales potential. Start with small, independent stores before moving on to bigger chains. With time and persistence, employing these techniques can help establish the board game developed by your game development company and set the stage for success. Keep optimizing and evolving your marketing to reach as many gamers as possible. Before you know it, your creation will be flying off the shelves!"  

Getting Your Board Game to Market and Players' Hands

Getting your board game into players' hands is the final step in bringing your creation to life. While production and development are challenging in their rights, distribution, and marketing present another set of hurdles to overcome.

Build hype through social media and influencers.

Start generating buzz about your game on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Post updates, share photos and videos, and run contests and promotions. Reach out to board game influencers, reviewers, and media outlets to get the word out to their followers. Building an audience and fan base will help create demand for your game.

Attend industry events and conventions.

Events like Gen Con, PAX, and Essen Spiel are fantastic ways to raise awareness of your new board game. Set up a booth to demo your game, connect with distributors, and build your mailing list. Hand out promotional items like stickers, bookmarks, or mini-expansions to give attendees a taste of what your game offers.

Find distribution partners

Unless you plan to self-publish and handle distribution, you must partner with companies to get your game into stores. Research board game distributors and publishers to find those interested in new titles in your game's genre or theme. Be prepared to pitch them why your game would be a great addition to their catalogue. If picked up, they will handle manufacturing, marketing, and getting your game onto shelves in retail stores.

Consider crowdfunding

Platforms like Kickstarter and Indigo Go are popular ways for board game creators to fund production and distribution costs. Running a successful campaign exposes your game to thousands of backers and provides the capital to manufacture and ship rewards. It also serves as a pre-order system, so you know how many copies of your game to produce. The marketing and hype surrounding a crowdfunding campaign will significantly raise awareness and interest in your new board game.

With passion and persistence, you can navigate the obstacles to bring your board game to market and into the hands of eager players. Keep working to build an audience, make connections, and explore all opportunities to spread the word about your creation. Before you know it, your game will be on shelves and tables worldwide!

FAQ: Answers to Common Questions About Board Game Development

As with any business, developing and producing board games have many questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked ones about the board game development process.

How much does it cost to develop a board game?

The cost to develop a board game can vary greatly depending on the game's complexity and the components' quality. Most estimates range from $3,000 to $30,000 for a small-scale production run. The costs include game designing, prototyping, testing, art and graphic design, manufacturing, and distribution. Keeping your game simple, using standard components, and handling some of the work can lower costs.

How long does it take to develop a board game?

The time it takes to develop a board game depends on the scope and complexity of your game. Most estimates are 6-18 months for a small-scale game. The significant steps include:

  • Concept development: 3-6 months. I created the game concept, rules, and initial prototypes.
  • Playtesting and refinement: 3-12 months. I tested the game, gathering feedback and making improvements. Repeat until the gameplay and rules are solid.
  • Final development: 3-6 months. We are finalizing the game components, art, graphics, rules, and packaging and coordinating manufacturing and distribution.

Of course, timelines can be shorter or longer. A more accessible game with an experienced team may only take 6-12 months, while a complex game could take two years or more. Staying organized, setting deadlines, and avoiding scope creep will help keep your game on schedule.

How do I distribute and sell my board game?

There are several options for distributing and selling your board game:

  • Online: Sell through your website or crowd-funding campaigns. It is also listed on sites like The Game Crafter, Amazon, and eBay.
  • Retail: Approach local game stores, gift shops, and bookstores to sell your game on consignment. Attend trade shows to make retail connections.
  • Kickstarter/crowdfunding: Run a campaign to fund production costs. Backers receive a copy of the game. Famous for indie board games.
  • Licensing: License your game to an established publisher. They handle production and distribution while you earn royalties. More complex but has the potential for a much broader reach.
  • Self-distribution: Handle warehousing, fulfilment, and shipping yourself. Most work but higher profit margins. We need to build awareness and drive lots of direct sales.
  • Hybrid: Combine multiple options, e.g., crowdfunding campaign, self-distribution, and retail partners—an excellent way to mitigate risks.

The path you choose will depend on your goals, budget, experience, and willingness to handle different parts of


So there you have it; with the right tools and strategy, any aspiring board game designer can take their creation to the next level. Stop dreaming about getting your game into people's hands and make it happen. The production, marketing, and distribution solutions are out there; you must take that first step. What's holding you back from pursuing and sharing your passion with the world? The resources are at your fingertips; you only need the motivation to start. Imagine a year from now looking at your creation being enjoyed by players around the country, knowing you made that happen. The only thing standing between you and that reality is you. So get to it, start researching solutions, build your prototype, launch that Kickstarter, and spread the word. Before you know it, you'll take your rightful place as the next top board game designer. The future is yours to shape, so shape it and make your dreams come true. You've got this! Now go out there and level up.


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